
Error message

Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in require_once() (line 341 of /var/www/optcom.polito.it/includes/module.inc).

Fernando Guiomar

Former Member

Fernando Guiomar is a post-doctoral researcher in the OptCom group, working as a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow in the project FLEX-ON – Time Domain Hybrid QAM: DSP an Physical Layer Modelling.

Fernando Guiomar was born in Aveiro, Portugal , in 1986. He received the M.Sc. degree in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering in December of 2009, and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering in 2015, both from University of Aveiro, Portugal. In October 2015, he joined the OptCom group of Politecnico di Torino as Marie Skłodowska-Curie post-doctoral fellow, where he is working on digital signal processing for flexible optical networks and on the modelling and equalization of nonlinear fiber impairments. Fernando Guiomar has co-authored more than 40 papers in leading journals and conferences in the area of optical communication systems.

Office S4ID15, Dipartimento di Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni, Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24, 10129 Torino – Italy

Phone: +39 011 0904092

2016 - Photonics 21 Student Innovation Award
2015 – Runner-up of the Best Student Paper Award at ECOC 2015.
2013 – Best Engineering Poster at University of Aveiro’s Research Day 2013.