Pablo Torres

Post Doctoral Researcher

Pablo Torres Ferrera is a Post Doctoral Researcher at Politecnico di Torino, currently working with the Optical Communications (OptCom) research group, in the field of Optical Access Networks.

Pablo Torres was born in Hidalgo, Mexico. He received the B.Eng in Telecommunications from the School of Engineering (FI) of the National University of Mexico (UNAM), in 2010.

Pablo received the Master and PhD degrees in Telecommunications Engineering (with honors) from the Institute of Engineering (II), UNAM, in 2012 and 2017, respectively. His Master and PhD research work was performed in the Optical Telecommunications group of the II-UNAM under the direction of Profr. Ramon Gutierrez, in the field of High-Speed Short Reach Optical Communication Systems (SOA pre-amplified WDM systems using NRZ, and EML-based IM-DD-OOFDM WDM systems).

From September 2012 up to February 2013 he worked at Huawei Technologies Mexico as Optical Networks Engineer. 

In spring 2012 and summer 2014, Pablo performed short research internships at Athens Information Technology (AIT), Greece, in the High Speed Networks and Optical Communications (NOC) group under the direction of Prof. Ioannis Tomkos. He worked in the fields of Optical OFDM for IM-DD systems and Filtering Concatenation impact on the transmission of Nyquist WDM superchannels.

In the second half of 2016, he performed a research internship at Politecnico di Torino, Italy, in the Optical Communications (OptCom) group under the direction of Profr. Roberto Gaudino. He worked in the field of radio-over-fiber mobile fronthaul systems using the DSP-based FDM aggregation approach.

Since August 2017, he is performing research in the field of Optical Access Networks, Optical Fronthaul for 5G and Data Center Interconnects at Politecnico di Torino, in the OptCom group.


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