MAPON digital video distribution in the European ACTS CRABS Project: simulation and experiment |
November, 1999 |
Vittorio Curri |
undefined |
LEOS99.pdf |
Using OptSim for teaching optical communications: a virtual lab experience |
October, 2005 |
Andrea Carena |
Regular Paper |
Performance evaluation in ASE noise limited optical systems: receiver impairments of constant envelope modulation formats |
October, 2005 |
Andrea Carena |
Regular Paper |
STREON2005_TOSCA.pdf |
Considering transmission impairments in RWA algorithms |
October, 2005 |
Vittorio Curri |
Regular Paper |
STREON2005_adonis.pdf |
Implementation of MLSE equalizer in OptSim and evaluation of its performance |
October, 2005 |
Vittorio Curri |
Regular Paper |
STREON_27-28ott_ver04.pdf |
Best optical filtering for duobinary transmission In ASE noise limited optical systems |
March, 2004 |
Andrea Carena |
Poster |
Duobinary_PosterSUBOPTIC2004.pdf |
A novel model of Cross Phase Modulation in long-haul WDM optical systems |
March, 2004 |
Andrea Carena |
Poster |
XPM_PosterSUBOPTIC2004.pdf |
Photonic Communication Technologies: Enabling the Zettabyte Internet |
Texas Photonic Center |
March, 2017 |
Mattia Cantono |
Seminar |
Cantono_Mattia_seminar_photonics_center1.pdf |
Tecnologie di comunicazione |
Visionary days 2017 |
November, 2017 |
Vittorio Curri |
Presentation |
Curri presentazione ufficiale.pdf |
Observing the Interaction of PMD with Generation of NLI in Uncompensated Amplified Optical Links |
OFC 2018 |
March, 2018 |
Vittorio Curri |
Regular Paper |
presentation_W1G4_OFC18.pdf |
Networking Benefit of Multi-Subcarrier Transceivers |
OFC 2018 |
March, 2018 |
Vittorio Curri |
Regular Paper |
presentation_Tu3E1_OFC18.pdf |
Power Control Strategies in C+L Optical Line Systems |
OFC 2018 |
March, 2019 |
Emanuele Virgillito |
Poster |
ofc_2019__cplusl_poster.pdf |
Statistical Assessment of Networking Merit of 2MxN WSS |
OFC 2018 |
March, 2018 |
Mattia Cantono |
Regular Paper |
WSS_OFC_out.pdf |
Modelling the Impact of SRS on NLI Generation in Commercial Equipment: an Experimental Investigation |
OFC 2018 |
March, 2018 |
Mattia Cantono |
Regular Paper |
GGN_OFC_out.pdf |
Residual Non-Linear Phase Noise in Probabilistically Shaped 64-QAM Optical Links |
OFC 2018 |
March, 2018 |
Dario Pilori |
Regular Paper |
Residual_NLPhaseNoise_V2.pdf |
Non-linearity modeling at ultra-high symbol rates |
OFC 2018 |
March, 2018 |
Pierluigi Poggiolini |
Regular Paper |
2018_OFC_Poggiolini_WG1p3_web.pdf |
Real-time Demonstration of Polarization-multiplexed PAM using a Compact Silicon Photonics Device |
OFC 2018 |
March, 2018 |
Roberto Gaudino |
Regular Paper |
OFC_PM-PAM_presentation_5.pdf |
Non-linearity Modeling at Ultra-high Symbol Rates |
ECOC 2018 |
September, 2018 |
Mahdi Ranjbarzefreh |
Regular Paper |
2018_ECOC_Tu4Gp3_WEB.pdf |
Introducing DSP-based Coherent Receivers for Wide-area Reference Frequency Distribution in Metrology Applications |
ECOC 2017 |
September, 2017 |
Roberto Gaudino |
Poster |
poster_metrology_final.pdf |
Bidirectional PAM-4 Experimental Proof-of-Concept to Double Capacity per Fiber in 2-km Data Center Links |
ECOC 2017 |
September, 2017 |
Roberto Gaudino |
Poster |
poster_ECOC_bidirectional_v2.pdf |