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Roberto Gaudino

Full Professor

Roberto Gaudino is currently Full Professor at Politecnico di Torino, teaching topics on Digital Transmission and performing research in the area of optical access (FTTH) and short reach networks.

Roberto Gaudino focuses his research on several aspects related to optical fiber high speed communications.  He received the Laurea in Ingegneria Elettronica (summa cum laude) from Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy, in 1993, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering (optical communications) in 1998. He is now Full Professor at Politecnico di Torino.

A full list of his publications can be found on the POLITO Publication repository.

MAIN RESEARCH PROJECTS (in reverse chronological order, starting from the most recent projects)

He is currently the Scientific Coordinator of the PhotoNext Center, one of the 11 large Inter-Departmental research centers that Politecnico di Torino financed starting in Summer 2017. PhotoNext is the POLITO Inter-Dipartimental Center for Applied Photonic technologies, which is focused on experimental and applied research in three key areas: optical fiber ultra-high speed communication systems, optical sensors and optical components for industrial applications.


Starting from 2019, in a collaboration with Politecnico di Milano, he is working on innovative solution to use installed fibers in access networks also for sensing and monitoring purposes (vibrations, stress, etc.)

Starting from 2016, thanks to a series of (ongoing) research contracts with CISCO Photonics, he worked on ultra-high speed optical transmission solutions for short-reach links in data-center applications, on several topics such as:

  • optimization of modulation formats and adaptive equalization for 100+ Gbps transmission over distances up to 2km
  • investigation on coherent transmission solutions for the data center
  • polarization tracking in polarization-multiplexed PM-PAM4 systems

The work on short-reach, ultra high speed transmission involves both theory, simulation and experiments, which are carried out in the PhotoNext center, and led to several publications and conferences presentations.

Starting from 2010, thanks to a series of (ongoing) research contracts with Telecom Italia (TIM) Labs, he worked on next generation optical access networks, on several topics such as:

  • WDM reflective PON (2014-2017)
  • contributions to the standardization of NG-PON2 ITU-T reccomendations (2016-2018)
  • detailed study on 25G, 50G PON for the new ITU-T standards on ultra-high bit rates (2018-2020)
  • evolution towards 100G PON (from 2020)

The work on access network involves both experimental and theoretical works. The collaboration with TIM led to contributions to international standardization for NG-PON2 (ITU-T G.989.2) and to the ongoing standardization for the future generation PON, today (2018) indicated as High-Speed PON (HS-PON in G.sup.64 ).

Starting in October 2012, he was the Scientific Coordinator of the EU project FABULOUS, a 3-year EU project on FDMA-based optical access networks based on PON. The project involved both system level research, aimed at the optimization of optical transmission techniques, and component research, focused on silicon-photonic platforms integration.

In 2006-2011, he was the Coordinator of two consecutive EU projects titled POF-ALL (2006-2008, a STREP in FP7) and POF-PLUS (2008-2011,  a STREP in FP6), both on low-cost transmission technologies on Plastic Optical Fibers (POF), an interesting and alternative solution to glass fibers in next-generation home networking and industrial automation applications. The activity on the POF area was very broad in terms of coordination, experimental activities and theoretical studies, and led to the first demonstration of a full-fledged pre-engineered prototype of a media converter at 1 Gbps running over SI-POF. On similar topics, he also participated in standardization activities in VDE/DKE and in the EU project ALPHA (2008-2010, an IP in FP7) and E-PhotonOne (2005-2008, FP6, where he acted as the coordinator of the WP on “Short Reach Communications”). This work led to contributions to international standards, and in particolar to the section dedicated to SI-PON in ITU-T G.9960 "Unified high-speed wireline-based home networking transceivers – System architecture and physical layer specification".

In 1998-2006 he actively participated in three consecutive PRIN projects (titled RINGO, WONDER and OSATE, for which he also acted as a research unit coordinator) on all-optical packet networks. This activity was mostly experimental, and led to different versions of network prototypes based on all-optical broadcast and select architectures.

From 1998 to 2003, he was in the core development team for the commercial software OptSim, one of the most advanced software for the physical layer simulation of optical transmission systems. Here, he focused on modelling of fiber nonlinear effects and on performance evaluation, with applications to long-haul DWDM systems. In particular, he focused on a nonlinear effect called “Parametric Gain” and on its impairments in transmission systems.

In 1997, he spent one year the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, as a visiting researcher in the OCPN group led by Prof. D. Blumenthal, where he worked in the realization of the MOSAIC optical network testbed, a prototypal version of wavelength routed optical networking.

During his PhD (1995-1998) he worked on optical transmission systems based on polarization modulation (POLSK), developing theoretical models for the evaluation of practical POLSK receivers, and a first experimental demonstration of a POLSK transmission systems.


Prof. Gaudino is co-author of more than 280 papers, among which approximately 85 international journal papers. On the well-know international paper database SCOPUS, he appears today (beginning of 2021) as author of 253 pubblications that received approx. 1900 citations (excluding self-citations) and he has an h-index equal to 27. On Google Scholar, he has an h-index equal to 31.

A full list of his publications can be found on the POLITO Publication repository.

He is currently an Associate Editor for IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communication and Networking (JOCN) for a second 3-year mandate (he started this activity in 2014).

He is (or was) member of the Technical Program Committees (TPC) of the following international conferences:

  • ECOC, Access network track, from 2011 onwards. In 2018, he will be the Subcommitte Chair for Subcommitte 8 on 5G, Access, Local Area and Indoor Networks
  • ICOP (previously titled FOTONICA): from 2011 onwards he is a Member of the Steering Committee of the conference. He was the General Chairman and main organizer of the Turin edition in 2015
  • ICC ONS (Optical Networks and Systems), from  2011 onwards
  • GLOBECOM 2011, Optical Network and System Symposium (2011)
  • International Conference on Plastic Optical Fibers, from  2006 onwards. He was the General Chairman and main organizer of the Turin edition in 2007.
  • Future Networks and Mobile Summit (2010)
  • Optical Network Design and Modelling (ONDM),  from  2010 onwards

He is IEEE senior member from 2010.


Starting from 1998, Prof. Gaudino has always been involved in didactical activities at Politecnico di Torino, teaching courses in digital transmission, signal theory and optical communications. From 2005 to 2012, he was appointed as Coordinator of the Telecommunication Bachelor and Master degrees, and on the Master in Optical Communication and Photonic Technologies, again ad Politecnico di Torino. He is also active in professional lecturing for continuing education companies.

From 2006, he is member in the “Nucleo di Valutazione” (main internal evaluation body) at Politecnico di Milano. From 2007, he is the Director delegate at the POLITO Electronic and Telecommunication Department for external relations.

Currently (Fall 2018), he is the vice-Coordinator of:

  • “Collegio Elettronica, Telecomunicazioni e Fisica” (the POLITO School for Bachelor and Master courses in Electronic, Telecommunication and Physics) at Politecnico di Torino
  • The PhD School in Electrical, Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering at Politecnico di Torino


-1998, October 23: official special mention at the “Premio Internazionale ITALGAS per la Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica”, as the main assistant of the winners Prof. Sergio Benedetto and Prof. Pierluigi Poggiolini
1995: Grant from AEI “Associazione Elettrotecnica Italiana” for his PhD studies, consisting in a one year research funding for PhD level studies in the USA
1993: two National Awards for the Candidate’s Master Thesis (one from Telecom Italia, one from Fondazione Ugo Bordoni).
2016 - OSA: Spotlight on Optics: The paper: “Potentialities and Criticalities of Flexible-Rate transponders in DWDM Networks: A Statistical Approach” was selected as one of the best papers of July 2016 JOCN issue on Elastic Optical Networks.
Title Date Event Download
Real-time Demonstration of Polarization-multiplexed PAM using a Compact Silicon Photonics Device March, 2018 OFC 2018 PDF icon pdf (3.17 MB)
Introducing DSP-based Coherent Receivers for Wide-area Reference Frequency Distribution in Metrology Applications September, 2017 ECOC 2017 PDF icon pdf (489.18 KB)
Bidirectional PAM-4 Experimental Proof-of-Concept to Double Capacity per Fiber in 2-km Data Center Links September, 2017 ECOC 2017 PDF icon pdf (555.85 KB)
Street-aware Algorithm for Optimal dimensioning of protected-PON in very large regions September, 2017 FOTONICA 2017 PDF icon pdf (3.08 MB)
Alternative Solutions for Fronthauling based on DSP-assisted Radio-over-Fiber July, 2017 ICTON 2017 PDF icon pdf (2.01 MB)
A Techno-Economic Network Planning Tool for PON Deployment Including Protection Strategies July, 2017 ICTON 2017 PDF icon pdf (1.72 MB)
Final system results from the EU FP7 project FABULOUS June, 2017 ICTON 2017 PDF icon pdf (2.94 MB)
Up to 4x192 LTE-A Radio Waveforms Transmission in a Point to Multipoint architecture for Massive Fronthauling Solutions May, 2017 FOTONICA 2017 PDF icon pdf (3.09 MB)
Transmission for up to 4x96 LTE radio waveforms September, 2016 ECOC 2016 PDF icon pdf (1.59 MB)
Demonstration of a Partially Integrated Silicon Photonics ONU in a Self-Coherent Reflective FDMA PON September, 2016 ECOC 2016 PDF icon pdf (2.91 MB)
Real Time implementation of upstream FDMA-PON over an FPGA platform: Results from the EU project FABULOUS May, 2016 FOTONICA 2016 PDF icon pdf (5.27 MB)
Dimensioning the Physical Layer of DSP-Based Radio Waveforms Aggregation for Fronthauling May, 2016 FOTONICA 2016 PDF icon pdf (793.06 KB)
A novel algorithm for PON optimal deployment over real city maps and large number of users May, 2016 FOTONICA 2016 PDF icon pdf (2.93 MB)
Demonstration of upstream WDM+FDMA PON and real time implementation on an FPGA platform September, 2015 ECOC 2015 PDF icon pdf (2.15 MB)
Photon Ranging Techniques for Upstream Signaling in TWDM-PON during ONU Activation September, 2015 ECOC 2015 PDF icon pdf (595.4 KB)
Reflective PON architectures10 years of useless researches or a promising alternative? September, 2015 ITU-T workshop PDF icon pdf (2.36 MB)
Experimental Results on FDMA-PON architecture from the PRIN Project ROAD-NGN May, 2015 FOTONICA 2015 PDF icon pdf (2.23 MB)
Real Time implementation of upstream FDMA-PON over an FPGA platform: Results from the UE project FABULOUS May, 2015 FOTONICA 2015 PDF icon pdf (4.73 MB)
Digital Signal Processing for FDMA-PON: Evaluation of Processing Complexity of Three Different Architectures March, 2015 FOTONICA 2015 PDF icon pdf (2.55 MB)
Optimal Polarization Launch for Raman Depletion Minimization in GPON and TWDM-PON Coexistence March, 2015 OFC 2015 PDF icon pdf (1 MB)
Silicon Photonics and FDMA-PON: Insight from the EU FP7 FABULOUS Project March, 2015 OFC 2015 PDF icon pdf (2.99 MB)
Reflective FDMA-PON with 32 Gbps upstream capacity per wavelength and more than 32 dB ODN loss September, 2014 ECOC 2014 PDF icon pdf (1.09 MB)
TWDM-PON-compatible 10 Gbps Burst-mode coherent reflective ONU achieving 31 dB ODN loss using DFB lasers September, 2014 ECOC 2014 PDF icon pdf (3.23 MB)
Extended TWDM-PON demonstration up to 100 km and 35 dB ODN loss on Burst-Mode Coherent Reflective PON September, 2014 OFC 2014 PDF icon pdf (1.2 MB)
Downstream transmission dimensioning in FDMA-PON architectures: results from the EU project “FABULOUS” May, 2014 FOTONICA 2014 PDF icon pdf (2.27 MB)
Unbundling in Passive Optical Networks Brainstorming from the Italian Project ROAD-NGN May, 2014 FOTONICA 2014 PDF icon pdf (2.63 MB)
Toward 20 Gbps upstream FDMA-PON real-time and low-speed DSP demonstrator March, 2014 OFC 2014 PDF icon pdf (1.49 MB)
Outage probability due to Stimulated Raman Scattering in GPON and TWDM-PON coexistence March, 2014 OFC 2014 PDF icon pdf (706.77 KB)
DSP in the home using Plastic Optical Fibers (POF) March, 2014 OFC 2014 PDF icon pdf (1.8 MB)
Propagation impairments due to Raman effect on the coexistence of GPON, XG-PON, RF-video and TWDM-PON September, 2013 ECOC 2013 PDF icon pdf (552.73 KB)
The Italian research project ROAD-NGN ‘Optical frequency/wavelength division multiple access techniques for next generation networks’ May, 2013 FOTONICA 2013 PDF icon pdf (1.37 MB)
Coherent Reflective PON architecture: can it be made compatible with TWDM-PON? March, 2013 ECOC 2013 PDF icon pdf (758.79 KB)
Advantages of Coherent Detection in Reflective PONs March, 2013 OFC 2013 PDF icon pdf (1.26 MB)
Record-high ODN power budget (more than 38 dB) in self-coherent reflective PON at 1.25 Gbit/s after propagation through 80 km installed fibers September, 2012 ECOC 2012 PDF icon pdf (929.69 KB)
Optimization of self-coherent reflective PON to achieve a new record 42 dB ODN power budget after 100 km at 1.25 Gbps September, 2012 ECOC 2012 PDF icon pdf (671.18 KB)
Optimization of uncooled RSOA parameters in WDM reflective PONs based on self-coherent or direct detection OLT receivers September, 2012 ECOC 2012 PDF icon pdf (910.62 KB)
Enhancing reflective-PON performances by using a coherent receiver at the OLT May, 2012 FOTONICA 2012 PDF icon pdf (668.07 KB)
Latest results from the POF-ALL EU Project: Toward Improved Capacity over Large-Core Plastic Optical Fibers December, 2007 BroadBand Europe 2007 PDF icon pdf (2.28 MB)
The WONDER Testbed: Architecture and Experimental Demonstration September, 2007 ECOC 2007 PDF icon pdf (1.77 MB)
Status and recent results from the POF-ALL EU project: large-core plastic fibers for low cost, high-speed short reach applications September, 2007 ECOC 2007 PDF icon pdf (807.85 KB)
Large Core Plastic Optical Fibers and Access Networks September, 2005 ECOC 2005 PDF icon pdf (1.43 MB)
Demonstration of Coherent Detection of Ultra-Dense WDM (6.25 GHz spacing) 2-PSK 2.5 Gbit/s signals September, 2004 ECOC 2004 PDF icon pdf (934.91 KB)